OCRA Membership Application

Join the organization that supports YOUR profession

Pursuant to the Constitution and Bylaws of the Ohio Court Reporters Association, Article IV, Sections 3, 6, and 7 define Class of Members as:
Section 3 – Professional Members
Any person who is skilled and primarily engaged in the verbatim stenographic reporting of proceedings by the use of symbols,
manually or by stenographic machine, as an official court or legislative reporter, freelance reporter, CART captioner and/or
broadcast captioner shall be eligible to become a Professional Member.
Section 6 - Associate Members
Applicants for membership who do not qualify for professional, student, retired, or honorary membership status may qualify
as an associate member if they meet one of the following criteria:
A. Any person who is not actively engaged in the practice of court reporting (either full or part time) and is a teacher of
verbatim stenographic reporting, or anyone connected in an official capacity with a school or college conducting a
verbatim stenographic reporting course, shall be eligible to become an Associate Member. Such persons need not
meet the requirements for skill in the area of reporting proceedings.
B. Any person who has been certified by the National Court Reporters Association (NCRA) as a Certified Legal Video
Specialist (CLVS) shall be eligible to become an Associate Member.
C. Any person interested in the preservation, support, and advancement of the field of verbatim stenographic reporting,
but not in any way actively engaged in the verbatim stenographic reporting of proceedings, who is not otherwise
eligible for membership, shall be eligible to become an Associate Member.
Section 7 - Retired Members
Any member in good standing who has paid dues for a period of 20 years and is no longer engaged in verbatim stenographic
reporting shall be eligible to become a Retired Member.
Click here to acknowledge you meet the requirements of the Membership Class for which your application relates (i.e. Professional, Associate, or Retired)


Select Dues Amount:

OCRA Special Fund

The OCRA Special Fund is spent on legislative efforts and funds studies and reports in support of our legislative and special-need initiatives to protect and preserve the court reporting and captioning profession right here in Ohio. The Special Fund is not used for political contributions. Please consider contributing to OCRA’s Special Fund this year!
Special Fund Contribution:

Referral Service Listing

Referral Listing:
As a benefit of membership, your information is listed in the OCRA Membership Directory only. Listing includes: Name, Certifications, Work Address, Phone, and Email. Enhanced referral public listings are available for $100 per year and include all of the above, plus a color logo, website listing, and brief description of services offered. Include front page banner ad scrolling for an additional $100 yearly fee. You will be contacted for submission of your banner ad. MEMBERS: OCRA celebrated 100 years in 2020! As a thank you to our members for their continued loyalty and support, receive your enhanced referral listing through 12/31/2024 for just $24!

Personal Information
First Name
Last Name
Gender Date of Birth ?
Year Began Reporting
Are you interested in having a student intern with you?
Are you interested in being a student mentor?
Are you interested in working on an OCRA committee?
Fluent in any foreign language?
CHECK if WORK is your preferred address
Work Address
City State Zip
Phone Toll Free
CHECK if HOME is your preferred address
Home Address
City State Zip
Phone Mobile

Professional Member Section
Primary Reporting Specialty
Primary CAT software used
Do you own or manage a freelance court reporting firm?
If yes, how many reporters with the firm (including yourself)?

Associate Member Section
Select Occupation
 If other, please specify
School Name (if applicable)

OCRA lists the following information in its online membership directory: Name, Preferred Address, Preferred Phone, and Email Address. This information is only viewable to current members of OCRA. On occasion, we provide names and preferred addresses of members to approved outside sources, such as the Ohio Legal Directory.
Please indicate if you prefer to list any of the following:
List my address
List my phone number
List my email

Interested in sponsoring an OCRA Student membership?
Do you have a student in mind?
If yes, please indicate student's information below (if you have more than one student's contact information, please include their information in the "Comment" section below or email info@ocraonline.com with their information).
If no, and you want to generally sponsor a student and let OCRA find that student for you, please leave the student information blank and proceed to select sponsorship amount.
Student First Name
Student Last Name
Student Email
Student Phone
School Name
Student membership dues within OCRA are $25 per year.
Select Your Sponsorship Amount
   - denotes required fields